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2024.3.30 - GEC地王广场外语角第619期活动

更新:2024-03-29 01:47:33  |  分享:Molly ( V92 )  |  来源:参考  |  阅读:0

GEC外语社团免费公益活动 地王广场外语角
活动形式: Topic talk + Free talks
活动时间: 2024-3-30(周六) 19:30-22:00
活动地点: 地王广场负二层
( 地铁1号线烈士陵园站A出口外)

本周 Free talk 前的话题讨论:
正式确诊为“淡人”:我只想淡淡地活着.. As a "light person": I just want to live a light life

"Souls of serene" emerged as a new social persona recently as many identify with an unperturbed demeanor following the rise of the introvert and extrovert personas. While not a clinical term, "souls of serene" describes a state of equanimity increasingly common among contemporary youth. If conversations filled with "whatever," "I don't care," "it doesn't matter" frequently occur in your life, you may be one embodying this unperturbed demeanor.

What defines these "souls of serene?" Like capybaras, which trending online for their calm lifestyle, "souls of serene" maintain a composed, half-awake presence no matter the environment or company, exuding an aura of tranquility. Key traits are: calmness, steadiness, and being at ease.


Topic discussion reference :
1.Do you know what "Souls of serene" are?
2.Do you have such people around you?
3.Why are more and more "Souls of serene" appearing?


Come to share your opinion! This Saturday night, Diwang Square !

Words to use:
Souls(灵魂);serene(平静的);light life(平淡的生活);unperturbed(镇定的);demeanor(举止);introvert(内向的人);extrovert(外向的人);clinical(临床的);equanimity(平静);contemporary(当代的);capybaras(水豚);composed(组成);presence(出现);exuding(渗出);aura(气氛);tranquility(宁静);



\ 英语角联系人:Seas -13711212165 (微信:supermolly124)

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