James - Determination makes perfect!
更新:2016-03-14 01:17:08 | 分享:James ( V1522 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:227

It has been about six months since the first time I came to GEC’s English corner, and now I am working as a volunteer for this big family; the main work I am doing are: to host Saturday evening’s English corner, to be team leader for English corner and sometimes I am also take part in organize public activities. It is really good to join GEC because it is a great platform for you to expand your friend cycle, for example, you get the chance to know people who have different education backgrounds and working experiences, and sometimes, GEC will invite foreign guest come to English corner; it is good to talk and communicate with different people because that helps you inspire new ideas. And it is also very nice to work with other volunteers in GEC, they are very friendly and supportive, to work in GEC also able to help you to practice your professional skills.
Beside English, now GEC is regularly organizing different language activities including German, French, Korean, Japanese, Cantonese and so on. No matter what language you are interested in or you just want to know more people in Guangzhou, or you want to practice your working skills, come to GEC, and GEC will light up your future!