《GEC 海珠广场英语角主持环节提纲》
更新:2015-11-13 15:23:15 | 来源:原创 | 阅读:175
大概流程是这样: 如果人>40, 就先围成一个大圈,一位主持人开场,介绍1,GEC。2,活动流程。与此同时,我开始按水平让大家抽分组卡。。
抽完卡后开场主持人就组织大家分成两个圈,1~3(初级)为一圈,4~6(中高级)为另一圈。 然后两位主持人分别主持一圈:1,自我介绍。2,主题介绍。3,选组长。
注: 选组长的方式是:因为已经分好组了,所以主持人可以问:1组的人是谁,上前一步,然后选1~2位做组长(自愿或点名),然后1组去一个地方。然后二组的人站出来……
如: Welcome everybody to join our activity tonight, I am XXX, I am one of the volunteer of GEC, which is a commonweal organization for Oral English practices that wewill introduce to you later. Tonight wealso have other volunteer who is xxx, xxx, xxx , and we do appreciateif anyone of you want to join us to be a volunteer as well, if you want to joinus, pls talk to me or any volunteersthat you know, you’ll always be verywelcome to join us, or if you want toknow more about how to be a volunteer, welcome to come to me and ask, wedo need more people’s help actually.
如: Ok, so since we have new comer tonight , how about we do abrief introduction about ourselves first ? BTW, your introduction should atleast include your English name, yourprovince, and a little bit about your job, ok ? And if you’re an old member,you may make it very short, but ifyou’re a new member, we hope you mayintroduce yourself a little bit more, tolet everybody know you, and may make friends with you . .. ok , let start fromxxx …
如:OK, so we have finish all the introduction, hope everybody have got enough informationabout the boys or girls that you want to know , because we come here, besidethe purpose to improve our oral English, to make some friends is also one of our purpose, right ? But before we start the topic discussion, I’d like to give you a short introductionabout GEC as well.. but before that, I’dlike to invite an old member to help me to do that, ok, soXXX, could you do me a favor tointroduce what is GEC in your mind ?
Thanks for XXX’s introduction about GEC, you’re basically right, GEC is a commonweal organization for OralEnglish practices, it was founded in 2012 by some active member in many QQgroups, and because all of these member organizethis English corner just by passion, notby any order or money, so we generallycall them a volunteer of this English corner. So since GEC was founded to now, many volunteers have join it and many old member have left.. Forexample, I personally join GEC to be avolunteer in xxx month and gained a lot of happiness and friends during the xmonths, and I will continue to do contribution to thisgroup until have other things that have to focus on. So if you have interesting to join ustoo, please no hesitate to let me or anyother member know, you’re be welcome andI do believe that you may gain pleasure and improvement on your English and alsothe capability of English corner organizing .
BTW, beside Englishcorner, we will going to hold morecorner too, like Cantonese corner, Japanese corner, French corner .. so if you have this kind of special capabilitytoo, we do sincerely to welcome you tojoin us !
如:Justwant to share with you that recently we will have a XXX activity which will beheld on dd.mm… balabalabala …
如:Solet’s start topic discuss tonight, but before we start, I want to ask , does everybody know tonight’s topic ? … Doesanyone want to have a brief presentation of tonight’s topic and a little bitabout your personal opinion ? … Ok…welcome XXX, please control your time tobe in 3 mins… Ok, thanks XXX, a wonderful presentation, so anyone else ? .. ok, myopinion to tonight’s topic is …balabalabala ..
Ok, now we all know the topic tonight, so let’s separate into 2 groups , in order toensure everybody have enough time to speak.. And in each group we will have 2volunteers to be our teamleader, to guide the member in your team to talk, and if the number of group members keepincreasing, then we will separate again. So, in here, who use to be our teamleaderis xxx, xxx, so beside them, does anyone want to volunteer to be ourteamleader ? If yes, you will have a first priority .
Ok, now we have team number 1 and team number 2 and theirteamleader, then the rest of us will beseparated and join these two group, theseparated rule is very simple, that iseverybody say one number, 1 or 2, must be by order, then the people who say 1 please go to number1 team, and the people who say 2 pleasego to number 2 team. But don’t worry, if you say 1 but you do want to join number 2team, it’s up to you, but just don’t speak out..